Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Megan Fox racist against other races?

Is Megan Fox racist against other races?
Yall heard of Megan Fox? She is one the hottest gurls ive seen. But I gots a questions for yall.. is that hot babe a racist? I mean is Megan fox racist against all otha races or sumthin? caus i aint seen no other race people in her movies, know wha im saying? is it cause she dont like other races?
can anyone SERIOUSLY answer this question please?
I dont want no joke.


  1. its not like she picks whose i her movies anyways shes only been in a couple

  2. sorry but.....i dont know (idk) as her

  3. She doesn't care too much for black people.

  4. This question is a racist joke.

  5. Nobody on the internet can ask that question. Only Megan Fox knows. People can assume what they want though!

  6. lol, so cause she doesnt have othere races of pple in her movie shes racist, that doesnt make much sense and not real proof that shes racist, so unless ya have real evidence, no shes not

  7. Well, if she is racist, I suspect her racism is directed against other races. This is a vapid white girl... eye candy. Who cares what the hell she thinks about anything? By the by, I'm pretty sure I saw some non-white people in both Transformers movies: Anthony Anderson (eats all the donuts), Tyrese Gibson ("Left cheek! Left cheek!"), John Eric Bentley.I smell a troll... Source(s): I see black people

  8. some people say thatI can't give direct answer!help me? Source(s):;_ylt=AuCfCEjeOJoHfREzoyUYRTnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091001152247AAJkye3
