Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who is prettier Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox?

Who is prettier Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox?
I wanted to know cause i could not decide and i trust yahoo answer users.


  1. Megan is young but i guess guys would find kim with better booty.i like megan better

  2. Megan Fox hands down.

  3. Megan Fox.Erghh.. what is up with Kims ***? Sorry.. but seriously?

  4. Kim Kardashian. Megan looks like a man.

  5. Megan has a better figure

  6. Kim Kardashian!

  7. MEGAN FOX!!!this question is unquestionable ;)she has the face and the bod. kim is cute but...only simply cute and she's really nothing compared to megaan fox

  8. I think megan fox is much prettier. I think Kim kardashian looks like a man. Source(s):

  9. of course yall will say megan cause the media has shoved this pasty skinny plain jane down our throats and made kim out to be some sex tape whore, she may have been in a sex tape , But she is the most stunning and cury women. Love herKIM K

  10. Well, to answer your question AND address most of the answers you've received so far.Kim Kardashian is far prettier than Megan Fox. Kim has a figure that just can't be beat and works out to maintain that figure.Megan Fox just starves herself to be the stick figure everyone wants her to be and just comes off looking like she belongs in the hospital for an eating disorder.The age of the sickly stick figure is rapidly going away. Guys are looking for women with a healthy look and a good backside. Source(s):…

  11. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Kim, she's more exotic-looking. Plus she's curvy. I hate how the media glorifies stick-thin women.
