Saturday, January 30, 2010

Does anyone of you think Megan Fox is popular because she is beautiful?

Does anyone of you think Megan Fox is popular because she is beautiful?
Don't get me wrong I think she is very pretty but is she only popular because of her beauty?
I remember when Angelina Jolie was very popular because she was considered the most beautiful woman on the planet but now look at her. She still is very pretty but now she is being pushed aside.
Do you all think that will happen to Megan Fox?


  1. she's a bit plasticky

  2. Like every person something new and better will come along. A few years ago it was Jessica Simpson and now everyone calls her fat. Megan Fox ages so obviously she's not immortal. People only want new with each generation. The 70's, the 80' s, and this is 2009. She will wear out when she starts losing her looks.

  3. No, she is a extremely talented actress. It is really had to get where someone like she is in Hollywood. The beauty is very much needed for any female actress though. People don't seem to care about celebrities once they are out of the news and movies. To me it seems that Angelina Jolie is somewhat retired and not doing as many movies as she used to be doing about 10 years ago. Source(s):

  4. No. She is just the typical mainstream Hollywood prototype- a pretty, talentless person who does and says outrageous things and then complains that she is not taken seriously as an actress. She's disposable, they'll just find another one like her and the cycle will continue.
