Saturday, January 30, 2010

What do you think about Megan Fox dating Rain?

What do you think about Megan Fox dating Rain?
Do you think Rain's followers will decrease if he does hook up with her?
Do you think Megan's a *****?


  1. Isn't she married to Brian Austin Green?

  2. i think it would be awesome....he is so good looking hey i would date him myself.

  3. No offense to megan but she's got that kind of look about her that suggests... well you know. No idea if she is or not though..

  4. I didn't think that she was dating anyone, because she only recently broke up with Brian Austin Green...damn didn't take her long

  5. Yes!! Especially in Korea!! She's a slut porn star dressing bad actress lesbo! and I talked to my Korean friend and he said this is not big news. He said Korea is still growing and will not recognize that dating in the media. She shouldn't get her hopes up and Rain will not play Russin Roulette with his career...It won't work or happen, it's a rumor about them dating..This will not hightlight his career!
