Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why do people always compare Angelina Jolie to Megan Fox?

Why do people always compare Angelina Jolie to Megan Fox?
I don't know why they are comparing Megan Fox to this ugly old broad, Megan Fox is way to beautiful to be compared to Jolie. I don't know what people see in Jolie but I personally think that she is ugly.


  1. never heard that

  2. their both sexy

  3. that's weird.I like Jolie better though

  4. They're both whores

  5. i would do them both Source(s): sorry, but that's my brain

  6. i really dont know there both ugly and dont look anything alike

  7. i think megan looks like a younger version of angelina... and i think they are both gorgeous

  8. i think they look alike. they both have that "badass" chick look. i do agree that Jolie is starting to look old though!

  9. It's the lips...and besides she's been around for a while. Everyone knows that Megan's going to replace her eventually...

  10. because they look alikei think Jolie is way prettier compared to Fox

  11. Angelina Jolie IS very pretty, but you're right, Megan Fox is tons prettier. I don't see why they compare them either.

  12. I got tired of people always comparing me to Jolie.

  13. I think they're both quite beautiful. I don't know why they're often compared but Fox is tired of it.

  14. Megan Fox is stunning. With Angelina Jolie, you could stick her lips against the car window and use her as decoration

  15. Angie is beautiful! She's just much older!Megan Fox is a snotbag!

  16. you're comparing them yourself, dear. and don't say people are "ugly old broads" when YOU don't have a face to show yourself. :)personally they're both very beautiful. that's why they became actresses, isn't it?

  17. Because Megan is the new Jolie. Except shes hotter and more talented and people just generaly like her better. Its like if someone dose a cover of a song thay are going to be compared to the origional version of the song.

  18. I never really heard anyone compare the two, but I guess you could see the resemblance. They look like, they could be mother and daughter - you k ow the ones who kinda look alike, but kinda don't....But Megan Fox...yeah, she's way prettier, but that's only because she is younger. Give it about 15 years, she will either look gorgeous, or real bad.

  19. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Both have big foreheads. Deal breaker for me.
